WIW WI Meeting Minutes
For April 12th, 2018
Held at Paris Fairgrounds
WIW WI Meeting
Elaine Tully President Excitedly announced we are 50 members and still growing!
As a group we recited The Women’s Institute Ode. A goodly thing it is to meet, in friendship’s circle bright, where nothing stains the pleasure sweet, nor dims the radiant light. No unkind word our lips shall pass, nor envy sour the mind, but each shall seek the common weal, the good of everyone.
Then started into our 3 rd year Birthday Celebration with a Potluck and Prizes the to be won. The Election Chair Willlie Bartels of St. George WI and co-secretary of Brant District asked for a nominated stand in secretary to take minutes to this meeting. Denise Hoggard was nominated as secretary for elections by Cassie Easton. Keri Bishop seconded the motion. Carried. Marilyn Sewell introduced nominees;
President, Elaine Tully
Vice President, Lisa Keefe
Secretary, Trish Benne
Treasurer, Sarah Whittam (not present)
Rose Coordinator, Rachael Addison
Program Coordinator, Michelle Sanderson
Membership Coordinator, Michelle Van Laeken
Social Media Coordinator, Janice Kyle
Public Relations, Susan Felice
District Representatives, Jennifer Budd (not present) & Marilyn Sewell
Tweedsmuir, Briana French
Moved by Wendy Hamilton and seconded by Cassie Easton to approve the list of nominees. Carried. Willie asked the newly elected officers to come forward as their names are read, by Denise Hoggard. Chair: As Women Inspiring Women WI begins a new year of personal growth and community action, it will be helpful for all of you to review the objectives of our organization. To the Officers: As newly elected officers, you should study the roles and responsibilities relating to your respective positions so that the plans and programs may achieve their purpose. Please accept the privileges, responsibilities and duties conferred on you through the office to which you have been elected. To the membership: You have chosen our officers for the new- year and they have accepted the responsibilities placed upon them. They have their part and you have yours. They are dependent upon your support, your encouragement, your enthusiasm, and your cooperation. By working together, this organization will have an enjoyable, satisfying year.
President Elaine Tully: Roll call; Finish this sentence; In our 4 th year I hope to…
● Get to know more members
● Attend more meetings
● Get more involved, such as join a sub-group
● Raise our Public Profile- a thank you went out to Irene Adeney of Ayr news regarding her posting stories of WI in the Ayr news.
● Learn more about the WI history
● Get more members
● See more workshops
CAMH One Brave Night Event was successful! We were able to raise just over $2500 for Mental Health. Coming in 22 nd place of all Group Donors. We should share our One Brave Night experience with the FWIO.
Alison Adams Treasurer was away so Elaine discussed our bank balance. Thanks to the Quarter Auction the current bank balance is just over $1000. This will go towards rent. We are asked if we are supporting the WI Scholarship fund as we did last year? Wendy Hamilton said $400 was given last year. Briana French moved that we donate $500 to go towards Scholarship. Janice Kyle seconded the motion. Carried. In the past there is usually $1000 going to the top Scholarship winner. Since we have largest local WI we will contribute $500. And the other Branches will cover the rest. Sarah Whittam will take care of this.
David the bartender creatively hand made us a wooden bench. We have found a Trail spot by the Grand River where it can be displayed and support a WIW Wi logo. Elaine will continue to be in contact with Brant County to complete this project.
Wendy Hamilton
● Mother of all mothers- All about the first Mother’s Day at Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead. May 7th and May 14th 10-4pm entrance fee is donation. There are tours and hide and seek mice throughout the house for children to find.
● After several years of campaigning and thousands of letters to the elected officials Anna Jarvis’ dream became a reality when President Woodrow Wilson declared the first ever Mother’s Day on May 9, 1914.
Marilyn Sewell
● Essential Oils Bracelet workshop on Tuesday April 24 th 7-8:30pm at St. Paul’s United Church in Paris RSVP as soon as possible, there is a minimum number of people to allow this event to take place.
● We are hosting a Provincial all Candidates meeting May 15 th, 7pm at the Lafarge room in the Brant Sports complex. It will be open to the public, and all WI Branches. It will be open forum to start with, and some set Question and Answers time.
● District Annual is May 15 th in St. George. Many from admin wish to attend to see how it looks. We are to host the District Annual in May of 2019.
Elaine, Reviews the subgroups; Dinner Groups; Contact Elaine Tully [email protected] or Janice Kyle [email protected] if you wish to join an existing dinner group. Book Club: Contact, Kari Bishop [email protected] , they meet the 1 st Thursday of the month 7-9pm at Keri’s house 61 William Street, Paris. Crafty Crew: Contact, Rachael Addison [email protected] , they meet the 3 rd Friday of the month. BYOB and a snack to share. In St. George at Rachael’s house. Walking Club: Contact, Sarah Whittam [email protected] . Singing Group: Contact, Allison Adams [email protected] , they meet the 3 rd Wednesday of the Month. (On hiatus until further notice.) Cards & Games Group: Contact, Denise Hoggard [email protected] , Events will be posted as they are planned. Urban Farmers: Contact, Allie Hyndman [email protected] Next meeting will be posted to take place in the next couple of weeks. Share seed, ideas, and tools. Janice Kyle,
Reminder of the Mother’s Day High tea hosted by the St. George Girl Guides. Fundraising for a trip to Europe. Tea is May 12 th at 3:30pm. Last 2 tickets sold on the spot.
Lisa Keefe, voted in Vice President. Explained how our membership break down works as follows: Federated Women’s Institute of Ontario (FWIO) $48.00 Federated Women’s Institute of Canada (FWIC) $5.00 Brant Area WI $5.00 Hamilton Area WI $2.00 Women Inspiring Women, WI room rental fees and various community giving $15.00 Total $75 We then moved onto the Drawing of prizes and Membership renewals.
The next meeting will be at the Stedman Hospice in Brantford on May 10 th at 7pm. We will be joined by Lynn Leach a brilliant gardener at the hospice. She will answer any of our gardening questions.
For April 12th, 2018
Held at Paris Fairgrounds
WIW WI Meeting
Elaine Tully President Excitedly announced we are 50 members and still growing!
As a group we recited The Women’s Institute Ode. A goodly thing it is to meet, in friendship’s circle bright, where nothing stains the pleasure sweet, nor dims the radiant light. No unkind word our lips shall pass, nor envy sour the mind, but each shall seek the common weal, the good of everyone.
Then started into our 3 rd year Birthday Celebration with a Potluck and Prizes the to be won. The Election Chair Willlie Bartels of St. George WI and co-secretary of Brant District asked for a nominated stand in secretary to take minutes to this meeting. Denise Hoggard was nominated as secretary for elections by Cassie Easton. Keri Bishop seconded the motion. Carried. Marilyn Sewell introduced nominees;
President, Elaine Tully
Vice President, Lisa Keefe
Secretary, Trish Benne
Treasurer, Sarah Whittam (not present)
Rose Coordinator, Rachael Addison
Program Coordinator, Michelle Sanderson
Membership Coordinator, Michelle Van Laeken
Social Media Coordinator, Janice Kyle
Public Relations, Susan Felice
District Representatives, Jennifer Budd (not present) & Marilyn Sewell
Tweedsmuir, Briana French
Moved by Wendy Hamilton and seconded by Cassie Easton to approve the list of nominees. Carried. Willie asked the newly elected officers to come forward as their names are read, by Denise Hoggard. Chair: As Women Inspiring Women WI begins a new year of personal growth and community action, it will be helpful for all of you to review the objectives of our organization. To the Officers: As newly elected officers, you should study the roles and responsibilities relating to your respective positions so that the plans and programs may achieve their purpose. Please accept the privileges, responsibilities and duties conferred on you through the office to which you have been elected. To the membership: You have chosen our officers for the new- year and they have accepted the responsibilities placed upon them. They have their part and you have yours. They are dependent upon your support, your encouragement, your enthusiasm, and your cooperation. By working together, this organization will have an enjoyable, satisfying year.
President Elaine Tully: Roll call; Finish this sentence; In our 4 th year I hope to…
● Get to know more members
● Attend more meetings
● Get more involved, such as join a sub-group
● Raise our Public Profile- a thank you went out to Irene Adeney of Ayr news regarding her posting stories of WI in the Ayr news.
● Learn more about the WI history
● Get more members
● See more workshops
CAMH One Brave Night Event was successful! We were able to raise just over $2500 for Mental Health. Coming in 22 nd place of all Group Donors. We should share our One Brave Night experience with the FWIO.
Alison Adams Treasurer was away so Elaine discussed our bank balance. Thanks to the Quarter Auction the current bank balance is just over $1000. This will go towards rent. We are asked if we are supporting the WI Scholarship fund as we did last year? Wendy Hamilton said $400 was given last year. Briana French moved that we donate $500 to go towards Scholarship. Janice Kyle seconded the motion. Carried. In the past there is usually $1000 going to the top Scholarship winner. Since we have largest local WI we will contribute $500. And the other Branches will cover the rest. Sarah Whittam will take care of this.
David the bartender creatively hand made us a wooden bench. We have found a Trail spot by the Grand River where it can be displayed and support a WIW Wi logo. Elaine will continue to be in contact with Brant County to complete this project.
Wendy Hamilton
● Mother of all mothers- All about the first Mother’s Day at Adelaide Hunter Hoodless Homestead. May 7th and May 14th 10-4pm entrance fee is donation. There are tours and hide and seek mice throughout the house for children to find.
● After several years of campaigning and thousands of letters to the elected officials Anna Jarvis’ dream became a reality when President Woodrow Wilson declared the first ever Mother’s Day on May 9, 1914.
Marilyn Sewell
● Essential Oils Bracelet workshop on Tuesday April 24 th 7-8:30pm at St. Paul’s United Church in Paris RSVP as soon as possible, there is a minimum number of people to allow this event to take place.
● We are hosting a Provincial all Candidates meeting May 15 th, 7pm at the Lafarge room in the Brant Sports complex. It will be open to the public, and all WI Branches. It will be open forum to start with, and some set Question and Answers time.
● District Annual is May 15 th in St. George. Many from admin wish to attend to see how it looks. We are to host the District Annual in May of 2019.
Elaine, Reviews the subgroups; Dinner Groups; Contact Elaine Tully [email protected] or Janice Kyle [email protected] if you wish to join an existing dinner group. Book Club: Contact, Kari Bishop [email protected] , they meet the 1 st Thursday of the month 7-9pm at Keri’s house 61 William Street, Paris. Crafty Crew: Contact, Rachael Addison [email protected] , they meet the 3 rd Friday of the month. BYOB and a snack to share. In St. George at Rachael’s house. Walking Club: Contact, Sarah Whittam [email protected] . Singing Group: Contact, Allison Adams [email protected] , they meet the 3 rd Wednesday of the Month. (On hiatus until further notice.) Cards & Games Group: Contact, Denise Hoggard [email protected] , Events will be posted as they are planned. Urban Farmers: Contact, Allie Hyndman [email protected] Next meeting will be posted to take place in the next couple of weeks. Share seed, ideas, and tools. Janice Kyle,
Reminder of the Mother’s Day High tea hosted by the St. George Girl Guides. Fundraising for a trip to Europe. Tea is May 12 th at 3:30pm. Last 2 tickets sold on the spot.
Lisa Keefe, voted in Vice President. Explained how our membership break down works as follows: Federated Women’s Institute of Ontario (FWIO) $48.00 Federated Women’s Institute of Canada (FWIC) $5.00 Brant Area WI $5.00 Hamilton Area WI $2.00 Women Inspiring Women, WI room rental fees and various community giving $15.00 Total $75 We then moved onto the Drawing of prizes and Membership renewals.
The next meeting will be at the Stedman Hospice in Brantford on May 10 th at 7pm. We will be joined by Lynn Leach a brilliant gardener at the hospice. She will answer any of our gardening questions.