Women Inspiring Women Women’s Institute met Thursday, March 10 in the Community Room at the Paris Fairgrounds. The topic for the evening was 'good mental health'. Guest speark Lill Petrella, of CMHA, Brant Haldimand-Norfolk presented on how to stand up against the stigma associated with mental illness.
Members heard an overview of the symptoms of mental illness as well as strategies to live with the disease, including several non-medical treatments such as proper diet, B12 supplements, and so on. Petrella talked about stigma busters: people devoted to fighting stigma in the media or community. As well, she touched briefly on the subject of Mental Health First Aid. The WI held a raffle in support of 'Ride Don't Hide' which is a national bike rally fundraiser and awareness builder in support of mental health education programs. After the presentation, members broke into smaller groups to share ways they cope with stress and challenges. Online Resources for Mental Health Integrated Mental Health Crisis Line Mental Health Crisis Line Call 519-759-7188 Toll Free 1-866-811-7188 CMHA, Brant Haldimand-Norfolk Main Telephone 519-752-2998 Self-referrals are welcome. Mental Health First Aid Canada The program does not teach people how to be therapists. It does teach people how to: · Recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health problems. · Provide initial help. · Guide a person towards appropriate professional help. Click on this link to read the work done by supporters of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) as they tackle stigmatizing Hallowe’en events such as Haunted Insane Asylums. The rest of the evening was devoted to social and sharing time. As promised, here are the details of future projects or events that involve our WI.
Brant District Grant Before I talk about the grant, first a refresher – let’s call it “WI 101” There are several administrative levels in the WI. The branch is the foundation. For our WIW WI, the tiers above are Brant District, Hamilton Area, Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario (FWIO), Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada (FWIC), and at the very top, Associated Country Women of the World. (ACWW) Part of our fees go toward each level. In return, each level does similar work that the branch does – that is, educate, support, and advocate. The Brant District has two main projects in support of the community. The first is a bursary. The first place award will be in the amount of $1000 and the second place award will be in the amount of $700. The bursary is open to graduating students (male or female) who are planning some form of higher education. They must reside in Brant County or live with a member of Brant District Women's Institute and be sponsored by two Women's Institute members in good standing. All Brant District Branches can sponsor applicants and have application forms available. NOTE- The judging committee will not accept emailed applications. They require the actual signatures of applicants and sponsors as required on page two of the application form. Applications must be received by July 31, 2016. If you wish to nominate a student, please email The Secretary for forms. Bite of Brant is the second annual event for which Brant District WI volunteers their service. In a nutshell, it is a two-day event held at the Burford Fairgrounds. Grade 5 students are invited to learn about farming and agriculture. Organizers and volunteers are fed a hot meal at lunch time and this is where Brant District WI shines. For over twenty years, these gals have catered the lunch. Which includes dessert. Pie, to be precise. And that’s where our WI comes in. As associated members of Brant District WI, we have been asked to contribute four bakedpies – homemade, or a good quality (i.e. large-sized) store-bought pie. Fruit filling is suggested. The pies must be delivered no later than 10 o’clock on April 14th to the Burford Fairgrounds. Alternately, they can be taken to Ellan Riddle’s house and she will freeze them. If you’d like to volunteer your pie making skills and ingredients, please let me know as soon as possible! Vesey’s Fundraiser is back. Last fall we raised about $200 to support our own WI by selling bulbs from Vesey’s, a seed company in PEI. It is a fundraiser that is used by WI’s across Canada. The spring fundraising brochure is available online. The deadline to get your order in is April 15th, 2016. For more information, contact The Secretary. Next meeting: Pinterest Potluck – Happy Birthday to Us! Thursday April 14, 2016, Paris Fairgrounds.
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Maggie WilsonWI reporter at large. ArchivesCategories |